The End of Residency
After 12 (or 11 for Eric) years of post-secondary education, the end has come. This is a momentous reminder that time does, in fact, pass, and things come to an end, despite good reason for feeling like it never will.
Last Friday, the paper chain that Rachel made to countdown the days she was separated from Maggie for work purposes was torn at its final link. God willing, her next patients will be in Kenya.
The week prior was Eric's gradution, and though he doesn't finish working until June 30th, the honors and certificates have been bestowed, and great thanks to Tim, Sami, and Jonathan for coming up and sharing the evening with us. Last Friday night, the OBGYN gala was on, and Jean, Sharon, and Tim all got to come, in addition to Karen Selle, Eunice, Jason and Heather Fader, and Charlie and Maryann Leland. Rachel won her classes' Academic Achievement Award, and her class kept up the tradition of spoofing their senior residents with a video of Rachel built around the themes of bikeriding, working up to one's due date, and The Lion King.
Congrats on your graduation! While it's bittersweet for me as I'm loosing the BEST OB/GYN there is. I know you guys are moving on to bigger and better things. Dr. Mclaughlin you played a HUGE role in mine and MaKennas life. We will never forget you!
Super cute dress Rachel! You and Eric look so happy and proud! I am excited for you two to have finished this journey and curious how the next path will lead! Hope to see you soon. Much love, Mariah
Congratulations Dr. McLaughlin (can I still call you Eric?). I'm very proud of what you have accomplished. Let me know when I can book my first check-up :)
Oops, I forgot to sign my name to the above post. Paul Billington, of course.
Congrats guys :)
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