Missing A2: #10 The Dollar Theater
What do "King Kong" and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" have in common? Well, lots of things, actually. But foremost among them is that we would have been very sad to pay full price for either movie, but instead we saw them at our local dollar theater, and we were satisfied.
In Ann Arbor's only shopping mall, there is a small and very ghetto theater where there is no stadium seating, broken chairs, and the stickiest floors you can imagine. In short, it is straight out of 1989.
And so are the prices. Even better, in fact. $1 for matinees, $1.75 in the evenings, and all day Tuesdays $0.50, which makes Tuesdays "Movie Night". Ne'er a summer blockbuster has been missed by us since the discovery of this gem (though we have ne'er seen a summer blockbuster during the actual summer, either). And even the terrible ones have been worth $0.50, with the exception of Borat, which we probably shouldn't have seen at all. If you live in the area, you need to bookmark this website. If you don't, you need to mourn the absence of such a venue in your area, as we will surely do in another nine months.
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