Six Years Being Remembered
Today marks six years of being married to an amazing woman. Obviously, I wouldn't have married someone that I didn't think I knew or admired. I knew her well. I admired so many things about her. I loved her so much. And yet, here we are, six years later, and looking back, it feels like I didn't know half of the things for which she is to be admired. And I love her so much more.
This picture is of our first real date, getting ice cream in California in the summer of 2004. This time was followed by watching Mulan on a VCR, and then a conversation where I showed my first real relational ineptitude. Thankfully, she didn't think I was an idiot, but worked through it with grace.
In May 2005, we took our first international trip together, 9 days in Turkey, where we saw an amazing part of an amazing country, and slept on the bus 3 times in 5 days. I don't remember ever having had so much fun before. These are the travertine pools of Pamukkale.

These are the ruins of St. Stephen's church, from about the 7th century. I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to be standing on them, but when we hiked up there, we were alone. And then this random Turkish guy showed up, and insisted we stand up there for a photo shot, and he took the picture. He was afterwards disappointed that we didn't have any money for a tip. (and we really didn't)

December 31, 2005, we were married in Knox Church in Ann Arbor, surrounded by friends and family. A beautiful day.

We took our honeymoon in Costa Rica, traveling to a few different places, including Monteverde, where we took the zipline canopy tour through the "Cloud Forest", something I wouldn't have heard of if not for Rachel, who had been dreaming about it for some time.
In 2007, our lives were full of residency training and hospitals. We decided to use our vacation for a perfectly relaxing Caribbean cruise. After a terrorizing trip missing the boat in Puerto Rico, we landed in St. Maarten, and I promptly celebrated by running into the ocean with our digital camera in my pocket. We immediately went into the town, and bought a new one. This picture was taken by the salesman on our new camera, to demonstrate it's quality to us.
Later that same year, we embarked on our first international medical trip, spending a month at Malumghat Hospital in Bangaldesh. This remains one of my favorite pictures of us, not leastwise because it highlights just how crazy white I am next to my beautiful olive-skinned, Turkish-appearing wife.

On the way home, we stopped for a few days in Dubai, taking this shot standing in the Persian Gulf, with the world's only self-proclaimed 7-star hotel in the background. (separated from us by a ratty reed fence)

The following summer was enjoyed at our 1896 home in Ypsilanti, where we plied our gardening skills on our community garden.

In 2008, our small group hosted a halloween party, where we were to dress up using only stuff found in our home. Things got ugly, but these are the times that are opportunities for marriages to grow.
2009 was a banner year. Maggie was born. We finished our medical training. We lived in 4 time zones in 5 months, and then moved to Kenya. A busy work life with kids: good, but with its challenges as well. There is no one that I would rather go through those times with. For Rachel's 31st birthday, our friends Logan and Julie gave us a special dinner in their apartment.
Down at the Tenwek waterfall, with Rachel sporting her obligatory Tenwek skirt, and me in my overly bright Kericho Toyota V-neck.
One of the best parts of our work in Africa is the chance to work together. We trained at different facilities in the US, but moving to Kenya meant that my wife has able to invade, and thus bless, my time at work as well. I knew I had been in Kenya too long when one day I shook her hand to greet her. =(
And now back in the US for the time being, now a family of four, new things and old traditions, like this picture on Christmas Day of the top of Camelback Mountain, Scottsdale, where Rachel's family always goes for Christmas.
Rachel, I love you. I look forward to each year so much more, knowing that I can live it with you. Happy Anniversary.
Oh, Eric, such a romantic! Happy Anniversary, guys :) And beautiful post.
love, Sami
Sweet moments with great pictures to reflect great memories... hugs!
You two rock. :)
Uncle Tim
What a wonderful review of your years together! I feel like I was right there with you guys :)
Many happy years to come, I am sure!
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