Our trip to California was wonderful, and exhausting! We managed to see over two dozen different friends and family members from all different areas of our lives, which was great. Since basically all we did was eat, drive, and visit with people, we'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Thanks to the Arledge Pages, Chrzans, Lious, Carla, Wendlers, and Wilsons for their hospitality. Sorry to those of you we visited but did not document our time in photos with you. We love you no less. And Rachel just needs to say that despite the fact that I look back on my time at Loma Linda with fondness, the brown air, forest fires, traffic, and heat did not make me wish that I still lived in southern CA!

My good friend from med school, Kim, and her pilot husband Jimmy. Pictures of their cute kid in a post to follow...

Jeff and Lisa Liou, our former small group leaders from Knox in Ann Arbor. Their 2 kids were sleeping during the photo shoot, no doubt worn out from our time in the pool!

Rachel's good friend Carla, a crazy missionary to Tibet and Burma, who is getting her PhD at Fuller in Pasadena. Then back to Burma.

Our friend Carlan Wendler, whom Eric met in med school/CMDA. Notice Maggie's excitement in this picture. She's glad her Uncle Carlan will be joining us in Africa in 3 years. Now, if only we can get there before him...

Rachel's friend Cherry, a physician mentor from Loma Linda

Rachel's good friend from med school, Becky Leenheer. Note that we're showing off 2 halves of a giant pancake from the Homestyle Cafe in Loma Linda. Also note the mismatched coffee mugs (bill for 2 cups of coffee and giant pancake: $3.70...experiencing the cafe, priceless). Becky's husband, who will no doubt someday win a Nobel Prize for his research in solar energy, can be seen in the mirror.
yeah... i just realized i didn't get a photo! i guess i will have to visit you in kenya just so i can make the blog! : )
Yeah, we're lame. Non-photo love to Sarah (wheresmylenscap.blogspot.com), Jess Watters, Thad and April, and the Chrzan family.
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