Oh Canada!
Eric and I just returned from a wonderfully relaxing and much needed vacation to......Canada! I know some of you voted for our vacation destination several months ago when we were debating between Peru, Greece, Canada, etc. In the end, there were no good airfare deals to any international destinations, so we loaded up the car, strapped on the bikes, grabbed our passports, and drove to visit our giant neighbor to the North. We figured this would be the closest thing we got to an international destination (and we did need the passports, although Rachel was too embarrassed to ask for a passport stamp from the Canadian border guards, so alas, an undocumented trip).

But just to prove that Americans are woefully ignorant of Canadian happenings, I was going to mention the Canadian Prime Minister in this blog. And I realized I didn't know his name. So I looked it up on wikipedia, and then promptly forgot it again. So I looked it up again: Stephen Harper. Now you know. The other thing that I didn't realize until just before we entered Canada is that for the first time ever, the Canadian dollar is just as strong as the American dollar, with an exchange rate of almost exactly 1:1. This didn't exactly make for a bargain vacation, but as a later post on the Maine portion of our trip will reveal, the cheap lobster we ate later made up for it.
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