"Let these Falling Leaves Cover Me..."
"...as I sink into the ground." Ten super cool points to anyone who knows this lyrical quote.
Not so pastoral and peaceful is the job of raking our leaves. Any of you who have visited our old abode know that the predominate feature of our yard is the huge trees, lovely for keeping it cool in the summer, but the bane of September onwards. In fact, the two lines of trees bordering either side of our backyard are slowing growing together to form a complete canopy. Currently, there is only a thin stretched line of direct sunshine that slowly eases from one end of our yard to the other as the sun courses above, like the most natural of sundials.
Anyways, back to the "bane" part. We have successfully conquered the problem of the shade prohibiting vegetable growth by our community garden (see previous blogs), but when the leaves come to fall, work begins for Eric and Rachel. Bags upon bags filled with copious leaves. Beads of sweat, callouses from rakes, and our only comfort is that our neighborhood promises us that, once a year, giant heavy machinery angels will sweep down our streets and remove any leaves we can get onto the asphalt. Note the picture. Very nice. But note even closer all the leaves still remaining on the trees.
isn't that an old sixpence song? i miss seeing you all and hope to catch up soon. it's nice visiting you vicariously through your blog, although the sampled 'eric voice' and 'rachel voice' i hear narrating in my head is becoming more and more the ACME Flat-American sound.
Wow, TWENTY extra cool points for Nato. Good work, man. We'll be in Nashville for the post Christmas week, hope to see you and yours. We should split a bottle of mead, because it's actually awesome.
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