Bagel Mania
Our latest excursion into the world of making foods that we cannot obtain here was bagels. I had some leftover cream cheese purchased for Christmas yumminess (in the form of spinach dip and cream cheese frosting) and had been hankerin' for some bagels to spread said cream cheese on. We have a great cookbook given to us by some former missionaries that has recipes for such things, and I figured I'd give it a try.
They were surprisingly easy--I made whole wheat raisin cinnamon bagels. Troublesome parts of the experiment: 1--the raisins didn't stick in the dough so well, and mostly fell out into the pot of boiling water. 2--you are supposed to boil the bagels on both sides until they float, and then bake them at high temps. But the bagels floated from the first second I put them in the water, so I was flying blind in terms of how long they should have boiled.

They look wonderful! How long did you boil them?
When I read the blog title I had my doubts, being a bagel snob who considers 99% of the bagels made outside of NYC to be mere breads masquerading in the shape of a bagel. But you've proved me wrong - at least you've attempted your hand at boiling the thing which is far more than what most "bagel" shops do. My hats off to ya!
You guys inspired us to make english muffins from scratch a couple of years ago, and we love to make those. Maybe we'll try bagels too. I admire your courage in the kitchen! Nana
Hi! Fellow PRP family here. We are recently back in the States after 2 yrs in Peru. Learning to cook/bake from scratch was such a huge unexpected blessing of living in a rural area overseas. We loved to make things that were unavailable in our tiny town and bagels made the list as they are one of my husband's favorites. I used this recipe and it has great step by step directions and times for everything...broil, boil and bake ( We did cinn raisin bagels and put the raisins in with the dry ingredients before adding the liquid and then they stuck. We also tried blueberry and onion, the possibilities are endless! I usually did 1/2 wheat 1/2 white flour otherwise they were too dense for us (but that could have been our high altitude...unsure). Hope the recipe will be a help with the timing of everything next time you make the bagels. May the Lord bless you all and your new baby! I had baby #2 (our second girl) on the field as well and the Lord provided in amazing ways! I am sure he will provide beautifully for you all as well. Blessings on your family. Laura Brunner
This made me happy... I tried that recipe in Switz myself...
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