The Fairy Doors of Ann Arbor
This is fascinating. The other day, when walking around downtown Ann Arbor with Rachel and Kim (see below), we passed The Ark, the fine folk venue where we took in an excellent Christmas show by Over the Rhine two months ago. Rachel points and exclaims "Look, a Fairy Door! I've heard about these." A what?
Apparently, there has arisen a little-known (obviously "little-known" since I was out of the loop until a couple days ago, right?) practice of the installation of "fairy doors" into the exteriors of various Ann Arbor homes and businesses. There's even one at the public library and a local elementary school. I don't know too much of the background, but the meister of this project has a full description to enjoy if you'd like.
As soon as we noted the door at The Ark, we kept our eyes open, and there was another found a few doors down. This secret world has been opened to us, much like when we first discovered geocaching (see link at sidebar). In fact, we may try and rig up a virtual multi-cache to tour the fairy doors of Ann Arbor. I realize this last sentence makes sense to about 5 people who are likely to view this blog.Google has recently opened some offices in our fair(y) city, and were apparently not slow to be visited by the pixies, who are apparently not without a sense of "cute".
You know that the meister of this project is our own Knox member, right?
I learned this fact a day after I posted this. Small world. Small town.
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