Four Years // One Month
My first baby turned four years old today. Wow. I still remember every detail of May 1, 2009...the day I became a mom. Maggie has grown and hanged so much, and despite not being perfect, she's a pretty awesome little kiddo. I am continually amazed (and occasionally worn out) by her curiosity and intelligence. She loves books and puzzles and movies, jumping on the bed and coming up with play activities for Ben, and lately, demonstrating her big sisterly affections for Baby Toby by "doing favors" for Mommy and holding Toby while expressing her desire to teach him how to walk. As in, today.
Thus far today, the day has consisted of breakfast in bed (a tradition it seems safe to start at the age of 4) with scrambled eggs and pain au chocolat:
Birthday presents (a Hello Kitty watch from Aunt Jena and Chunkle Brian shown here):
And a little birthday party with two friends...lunch and cake! (small parties seem to work much better for our sensitive and easily overwhelmed daughter)
Happy Birthday, sweetie!
Not to be outdone, it is Toby's one month birthday today! He helped out by sleeping during most of the festivities. Yesterday's pediatrics visit he showed off by weighing 11 lb, 6 oz. Yikes! The French doctor looked stunned. Good job, buddy. Now convert that into sleeping all night long. :)

Xavier is 4 1/2 months, and yesterday weighed 13.8 lbs. Nearly doubling his birth weight and is back on the charts. :) I'm glad to hear everything is going so well with all your little ones.
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