Cousins Three
If you have been following our blog lately, it might seem like all we do any more is post birth announcements. Ah yes. Well, to that end, here's another, the last for awhile we think (at least a few months). On April 15, Ellis Rose Durham, our 3rd niece, was born in the Vanderbilt Hospital L&D triage. That's Sami's story to tell, but we were excited that after a fast and furious labor, a healthy little girl emerged at 6 lbs 11oz. Things that make this birth special and perfect:
Liam, Ellis's big brother, was born 5 days after Ben. Now Ellis was born 14 days after Tobias. Sami and I are on the same family expansion plan these days. :)
Ellis was born literally 2 weeks after Tobias, almost to the hour.
Eric's other sister Jena's baby Lily was born on March 15 (Ides of March), Toby was born April 1 (April Fool's), and Ellis was born on April 15 (Tax Day). Isn't that great symmetry?
And so in the end, despite each of us three ladies probably feeling like our baby was never going to come, now that it's done it seems preordained and well orchestrated. There's only one thing that makes this un-perfect, and that is the fact that we live on separate continents, and will until 2015. Nothing in our missionary life is harder than this, I think, especially when we see pictures of Lily and Ellis together. What a great reunion it will be when they are all two. But for now, despite the bittersweetness, we rejoice again at God's provision, protection, and blessing.